Manual Upgrade Instructions for Pokefi Device
Step 1: Download & Install the Pokefi App
iOS :
Android: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Software updates should typically install automatically once the Pokefi connected to the network successfully. In case your Pokefi WiFi light is Red not flashing (means no connection), please follow these steps to check and manually upgrade your Pokefi firmware (if available).
Step 2: Prepare for Upgrade
Connect the Pokefi to a power source, or ensure it is fully charged.
Turn on the Pokefi & connect to the Pokefi WiFi hotspot.
Step 3: Login the Pokefi App
Launch the Pokefi App, enter your Pokefi 15-digit serial number and IMEI last 6-digit (default password). If you have changed the default password, please use your customized password to login.
Step 4: Check for Upgrade
Click "Device" from the bottom menu -> click “ Pokefi Upgrade” -> choose "Offline Upgrade"
Step 5: Follow On-Screen Instructions
The app will guide you through the upgrade process. It may take ~15-45 minutes (depending on your current version). Please DO NOT turn off your Pokefi during this process. (If the progress bar is not progressing during "Upgrade" for over 20 minutes, check the WiFi connection and make sure you are still on the Pokefi WiFi)
Step 6: Finalize the Upgrade
Your Pokefi will automatically restart when the upgrade is completed.
Step 7: Master Reset
Once the Pokefi WiFi light is flashing Green, and you can find the Pokefi WiFi on your mobile’s WiFi list, please follow the steps below to master reset the Pokefi:
Quickly press the ON button 8 times within 5 seconds, wait for the WiFi light to turn from Red to Green flashing, then connect to with default SSID & PWD printed on the label inside the battery compartment.​​​
Troubleshooting TIPS!​
- If you experience any issues during the upgrade, such as no progress after one (1) hour, please try restarting the Pokefi and relaunching the App.
- Ensure you have a stable Wi-Fi connection throughout the process.