Online topup here is to facilitate remote add data to your Pokefi, it might take +24 hours to load your packages.

PayPal is our payment platform, you can choose CREDIT CARDS, create or sign in PayPal account is not compulsory in most countries. However, due to risk and compliance reasons, you might be required to login/create PayPal accounts when performing a transaction. Prices in USD are approximate, for reference only, subject to fluctuating FX calculations for each currency. Your credit/debit card will be charged in Hong Kong Dollars.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
Data speed and performance is provided by using a best effort delivery approach. The quality of wireless communications provided by Operators may deteriorate due to natural conditions of radio wave propagation or radio interference inside buildings, in tunnels, basements, and other underground premises, or due to terrain features, housing development, meteorological conditions or other reasons. Wireless communications provided to users due to the constructive features of the network depend on the quality of network equipment used by operators of local wireline telephone networks and network equipment of international and inter-city communications providers whose actions are beyond our control.